In order to begin playing with scenarios in The Sims 4, you first need to ensure that your game is updated to Patch 120.
Watch on YouTube How to start playing a Scenario in The Sims 4
How to play time-limited Scenarios after they expire. What are the rewards for completing a Scenario?. How to start playing a Scenario in The Sims 4. If that all seems a bit confusing, don't worry! In this guide we cover how to start a new Scenario in The Sims 4, the rewards for completing one, and tips on getting the best possible start in every Scenario that's currently available. Scenarios are attached to every Sim in a household, have a unique set of starting and victory conditions, and - crucially - are quite open-ended, leaving it to the player to work out the best way to complete them.
This new type of gameplay challenge works a bit differently to existing Aspirations, Lot Challenges, and so on. How do Scenarios work in The Sims 4? There have been fan-made Sims challenges for as long as there have been Sims games, but now the makers of The Sims 4 have introduced Scenarios into official gameplay.